Sunday, February 20, 2011

Egypt receives Iran navy request to use Suez canal

Released on - Friday,18 February , 2011 -18:48
Egypt has received a request from Iran to allow two of its warships to use the Suez Canal, but the defence ministry has yet to decide whether to approve it, the foreign ministry said on Friday.
Spokesman Hossam Zaki said the ministry received the request to allow the ships to pass through the waterway on Thursday and passed it on to the defence ministry, which must approve the crossing of any warship through the canal.
"It is with them now, they will decide," he said. "The defence ministry has to study the request."
If approved, it would be the first time Iranian naval vessels have passed through the canal since the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran, which led to a severing of diplomatic ties with Egypt.
Iran's official Fars new agency, quoting senior naval commanders, said the ships are the 33,000-tonne refuelling and support vessel Kharg and the 1,500-tonne light patrol frigate Alvand, both British-built.
The Kharg has a crew of 250 and can carry up to three helicopters. The Alvand is armed with torpedos and anti-ship missiles. They intend to enter the Mediterranean Sea and head to Syria.
Israel's Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Wednesday branded the mission a "provocation".

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